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Cowboy Boys Podcast

Feb 22, 2022

Our friend Doink joined us to talk about baseball, little league baseball, and how Babe Ruth wasn't that great on and off the field.


Follow Doink:


LinkTree: @donkpatrol

Feb 14, 2022

Mac predicts how the metaverse will become popular and Shayne runs into a flat earther.


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Follow us on Twitter
Shayne Smith: @Shaydozer
Mac Arthur: @DoctorMacArthur
Cowboy Boys: @CowboyBoys

Feb 7, 2022

Comedian Andrew Hobbs came back to discuss getting fired, being a stay-at-home husband, and crystal energies. 


Follow Andrew Hobbs:

Twitter: @hobbspresents

Instagram: @theandrewhobbs